T-Jinyo Expending 160000 M For The Petition Dissolution of T-ara


T-Jinyo Expending 160000 M For The Petition Dissolution of T-ara:The number of members who have joined the online T-Jinyo FanCafe (“We Demand the Truth of the T-ara”) has now exceeded 160,000. While Fan Cafe T-ara has lost about 6,000 members, members of the Cafe ‘T-Jinyo’ continues to increase.

And now less than a day after the big announcement, the number of T-Jinyo quickly surpass 160,000. Fans use the Cafe is to argue that they have a right to know the truth, and they deserve a clear explanation of why Hwayoung left the group.

Incident in which Hwayoung supposedly harassed by another member has been steadily dismantled the fans, while other netizens are creating an online bulletin board to show their support and encouragement to Hwayoung.

After ‘Tajinyo’, now some netizens even filed a petition for T-ara member to be expelled from a variety of events and K-drama, as well as the dissolution of the entire T-ara.

Public upset over controversial T-ara and continue to make a petition which asked them to disperse.

Netizens have started an effort to record their scandals. A petition entitled, “dissolution of T-ara” was posted to the online portal site.

The post states, “Since its debut, you need to know your lyrics, however, T-ara cheated openly and it’s ridiculous that they have been involved in a controversy that very much.

They are now in the public eye as a threat and intimidate members of their own. They are a big problem and because of this a petition to dismantle the group has been created.

No one would believe that the group T-ara is known. People will not even greet them politely. It is time they were rated by the community and now is the time for them to disperse. If you agree please sign up. ”

The petition had 100,000 signatures have goals. After two days of this petition has received 36,281 signatures, reaching 30% of their targeted goals.

There are various petitions to appear. Most calls for T-ara to tell the truth about this issue or boycott the Core Content Media. There is even a fan made website to support Hwayoung. Although the agency expects controversy over time it will be more easily forgotten.