How to Do 301 Redirect In Blogger and WordPress

301 Redirect

How to Do 301 Redirect In Blogger and WordPress: To avoid missing hits and indexing in Google, it is important to use a redirection techniques links known as “301 Redirect“. Not everything in our blogs are in the same place for many years . It is common to migrate from our blogs to other addresses or even migrate content internally.

What is 301 Redirect ?

301 RedirectBasically the 301 redirect is an indication that some content or even the entire site / blog moved to a new location , a new address . You need to do the procedure as accurately as possible to indicate to Google that content has changed location , but still the same , passing the indexing also to the new location .

If you change the URL address of your blog without this procedure ” 301 redirects ” , the entire index will be lost , and people who know the old address , can not find the new location .

It is also important to gather information that were relocated or rebuilt . When, for example , you write a new article that is more complete than other older and who have lost their meaning .

How to do 301 redirects ?

Blog for those who have the procedure is quite simple when we need to redirect our content , especially if it is internally , pointing to an old post a new post you rewrote , for example.

Users of Blogger, has a menu just for that. Among the Blogger dashboard , click the “Settings” menu and then ” Search Preferences ” .

Then just put the address of the old content to be redirected to the new . Checking the option ” Permanent” means that Blogger should implement 301 Redirect parameters .

You can apply and how you want redirects are required, pointing to several to the same location .

Who already uses WordPress.ORG , we recommend using SEO plugins like Yoast WordPress SEO . It incorporates own menu on each item for you to make adjustments specific SEO , including the 301 redirect.