Blogger Xiaxue Attacked WP Supporters

Blogger Xiaxue
Blogger Xiaxue shames WP supporters over abusive comments posted on Facebook linked to Workers Party

Blogger Xiaxue Attacked WP Supporters: Blogger Xiaxue Wendy Cheng has attacked WP supporters over abusive comments posted about her on an ultra-right extremist Facebook page reportedly operated by a WP Youth Wing member.

Blogger Xiaxue
Blogger Xiaxue shames WP supporters over abusive comments posted on Facebook linked to Workers Party

The Facebook page has been promoting the Workers Party fervently in the past one week by posting photos and videos of its rallies and smearing the PAP candidate for Hougang Desmond Choo.

For some unknown reasons, it posted a photo of Xiaxue together with two friends at a PAP rally last year with PAP logos on their faces, taken without permission from their blogs, with an invitation to caption them.

As expected, WP supporters ‘flamed’ the three girls mercilessly by hurling vitriol at them. An angry Xiaxue trawled Facebook for their photos and particulars and posted them on her blog to shame them.

‘What kind of men would say this kind of thing? Singaporean men are such bullies. They think I’m a nobody – just a random girl they can bully,’ she asked.

Among the men who featured in her gallery of ‘bullies’ were several who are married with children, all of whom ‘like’ the Workers Party Facebook page.

Xiaxue’s post found support among some netizens who are disgusted with the behavior of some WP supporters on the internet.

The same WP-linked Facebook page also published an allegation made by WP supporter Seah Ee Onn three days ago on Mr Choo offering a gift to his grandmother in exchange for her vote. The post has since been taken down after Mr Choo denied the allegations. via Teamasek times

blogger Xiaxue aka Wendy Cheng (pic left) has attacked WP supporters over abusive comments posted about her on an ultra-right extremist Facebook page reportedly operated by a WP Youth Wing member.

The Facebook page has been promoting the Workers Party fervently in the past one week by posting photos and videos of its rallies and smearing the PAP candidate for Hougang Desmond Choo.

For some unknown reasons, it posted a photo of Xiaxue together with two friends at a PAP rally last year with PAP logos on their faces, taken without permission from their blogs, with an invitation to caption them.

As expected, WP supporters ‘flamed’ the three girls mercilessly by hurling vitriol at them. An angry Xiaxue trawled Facebook for their photos and particulars and posted them on her blog to shame them.

‘What kind of men would say this kind of thing? Singaporean men are such bullies. They think I’m a nobody – just a random girl they can bully,’ she asked.

Among the men who featured in her gallery of ‘bullies’ were several who are married with children, all of whom ‘like’ the Workers Party Facebook page.

Xiaxue’s post found support among some netizens who are disgusted with the behavior of some WP supporters on the internet.

The same WP-linked Facebook page also published an allegation made by WP supporter Seah Ee Onn three days ago on Mr Choo offering a gift to his grandmother in exchange for her vote. The post has since been taken down after Mr Choo denied the allegations.