Photo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Place

Photo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Placeo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Place
In 2011, he allegedly got sexual gratification from Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui, the business development director of NCS, a vendor.

Photo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Place: Update: SCDF commissioner Peter Lim Sin Pang suspended, CNB chief under investigation.

In 2011, Peter Lim Sin Pang  allegedly got sexual gratification from Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui, the business development director of NCS, a vendor.

Photo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Placeo of Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui Place
In 2011, Peter Lim Sin Pang allegedly got sexual gratification from Ms Esther Goh Tok Mui, the business development director of NCS, a vendor.