Miley Cyrus Wants A Perfect Wedding

Miley Cyrus Wants A Perfect Wedding

Miley Cyrus Wants A Perfect WeddingMiley Cyrus Wants A Perfect Wedding: Since it came to light that the former Hanna Montana was finally organizing her wedding, rumored to have left no details of what might have on that link, and as she says it would not be a big wedding, but three, but what is Miley says what about this?

Many are those who now suggest that this very young couple is about to give the ‘I do’, and many others who speculate what Miley Cyrus is organizing or dreams for the big day, and while others talk about and singer and actress also wanted to speak on the matter.

Although these days there has been speculation that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have problems in their private paradise to have surfaced about rumors of a flirtation of joventísimo actor, both are deaf to what appears to have been a rumor.

Liam and Miley have committed since last May, and since then have continued to acecharles rumors of breakups and problems, so this new speculation has probably not come as a surprise.

Even so, and despite the continued talking about ‘A Mystery Blonde‘, Miley Cyrus has given her face on TV and did not hesitate to talk about what everyone is wanting to know the details of your wedding.

According to the U.S. website ContactMusic reports, the singer and actress attended the TV show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and wanted to clarify that there has not yet decided how it will link, but has admitted she would like to be a big day and be happy.

That moment will be when he sees me the first time with my dress and everything together. Has to be perfect. Has to be like the soundtrack of a movie. That is the day that will come true. Such romance. That look you have that catch, “Miley told.

I will probably be attended about 20 weddings and I’ve only seen that look real in about 5 or 6.’s Time for a person to look into another’s eyes will know that life together,” explained the former Hanna Montana.

Still, Miley did not want to lose the opportunity to clarify who are organizing three weddings: “There is a rumor that held like 47 weddings. I have only one. That will be my day and all I want to be with me at that time.”

Thus, the former Disney star has wanted to stop the rumor of her ‘Arabian Wedding‘, although it could be a strategy to mislead the press and get on with the preparations for what seems an authentic gypsy wedding.