iPhone 5 is More Power Efficient Than Galaxy S III

iPhone 5 is More Power Efficient Than Galaxy S III

iPhone 5 is More Power Efficient Than Galaxy S III: A research has shown that the power consumption when charging, the iPhone 5 is more efficient than the Galaxy S III.
iPhone 5 is More Power Efficient Than Galaxy S IIIResearch conducted by OPower proves that when two devices from different companies are in a state of the battery is done charging and, apparently consume less power the iPhone 5.

When calculated in a year, the iPhone 5 only spend up to USD 0.41 / year for charging, while the Galaxy S III requires USD 0.53 / year. According to researchers, as reported by Mashable (05/10), it is because the Galaxy S III battery size larger than the iPhone 5.

However, when compared with the iPhone 4S, for business charging, iPhone 5 needs funds more expensive. iPhone 4S only require funds of USD 0.38 / year for charging. OPower analyze this case based on the resources they receive from the Electric Power Research Institute.