Kindle Fire Deal, You have to get it or not: Amazon’s Cyber Monday

Kindle Fire Deal, You have to get it or not: Amazon's Cyber Monday

Kindle Fire Deal, You have to get it or not: Amazon's Cyber MondayKindle Fire Deal, You have to get it or not: Amazon’s Cyber Monday: Some of you may be struggling to get to every amazing deal, you are finding yourself constantly having to speak of “surprising” about things that do not really need.

I gave up for the day, but for those who may be attracted FIREDEAL site, which has $ 30 off the Kindle Fire tablet, here are some things to consider about the Amazon Kindle .

It is an OK deal and certainly bears the cost of the basic Amazon tablet down below the $ 150 mark. Unfortunately, Amazon is expanding the promotion to any of their other Kindle devices.

If you’re still on the fence about this offer, here are a couple of pieces of advice from a Kindle fan who is always willing to talk about these devices. Firstly, so here I am procrastinating, I played with the Kindle Fire, but I have a Kindle Touch. I use the eReader to read books and an iPad 2 for all my needs using tablet.

Why get an e-reader? If you are an avid reader who despises clutter, it’s time. I understand. People like her books. They like to have and feel the pages. I’m personally partial to the smell of old books, so I’m not judging the appreciation of a real book. However, the books tend to occupy the space and paperback books tend to disintegrate over time (especially if you’re a fan of re-reading books), which are two reasons an eReader can be really useful.

Why take a book with you on a trip or a long trip when you can have your entire collection in one device? There is also the added benefit of instant (or seconds) that has the next book you want to read purchased, downloaded and ready to go instead of having to order it online or visit a store to pick up the actual book. No, wait. Virtually instant gratification if you are within range of wifi.

Why get a Kindle? I have some experience with eBooks from iTunes, but most of my experience is with electronic reading Kindle and When choosing an eReader, I went with the Kindle on the Nook because I shop at Amazon more than Barnes & Noble. For me, the familiarity with the shop and positive customer comments sold me on the Kindle, but others can take a closer look at other electronic readers before making your choice. So even if you can not offer much of a comparison between the Kindle and other devices / e-book stores, I am beyond pleased with the selection and pricing of electronic books from Amazon.

  • In case of fire or get the Kindle e-reader? :

If you are looking for something to read books, I personally recommend going with one of Amazon Kindle e-readers like the Kindle Paperwhite or if you’re on a budget, the basic Kindle. The Fire offer lots of additional options, including the capabilities of a bright colorful viewing experience, web browsing, video and applications and social networking features, but to read a book, you’re looking at a lighted display, which can cause some eye strain.

  • Save money with promotional version:

The price difference between “price” and “Special Deal” is just $ 15, but you’re probably better off going with the cheapest option and put that extra $ 15 toward a couple of books. The ads included in the “with offers” version appear as a screen saver on the display screen lock Fire.

  • Thinking of getting an iPad or other tablet instead of Kindle Fire:

If you are shopping around for other tablets, I do not discard with Amazon for your shopping needs of eBooks. Kindle is a free application for multiple devices, including Android smartphones, iPhone, iPad and PC, allowing you to access the Kindle books through alternative devices. It is worth noting the owner of the Kindle Library Lending is only accessible via Kindle devices.

So if that’s an important feature for you, you need a Kindle to take advantage of that. But if you are tempted by the library of eBooks from Amazon, and more sold in another tablet, you do not need a Kindle to buy and read Kindle books.