A Bronze Medal But At What Cost For Singapore

Singapore's Feng Tianwei Celebrates With Her Bronze Medal
Singapore's Feng Tianwei Celebrates With Her Bronze Medal

A Bronze Medal But At What Cost For Singapore: Singapore’s Feng Tianwei’s Bronze Medal Win has done the exact opposite. 

Singapore’s first individual medal in 52 years has divided the nation and re-ignited the vicious, ugly debate surrounding imported foreign talent. In fact, it’s brought it into ever-sharper focus.

A “true-blue” Singaporean is someone who may not necessarily have been born here, but he or she must definitely have been raised, schooled and lived in Singapore.

Singapore's Feng Tianwei Celebrates With Her Bronze Medal
Singapore’s Feng Tianwei Celebrates With Her Bronze Medal

Having served National Service is a big plus for the males, while being able to appreciate and speak the local lingo and enjoy our local food, traditions and culture are also a given. In short, this person’s ROOTS, family included, must be here, come what may when the chips are down and no matter where he or she is in the world.

Of course, the cash incentives for winning medals in Singapore cannot and should not be separated from the issue.

Feng’s bronze medal win is worth S$250,000 under the Multi-Million Dollar Awards Programme.

Minus the 20 per cent she’s expected to return to the table-tennis association, she will pocket a cool S$200,000 – enough for a downpayment for a Singapore condo  – or some say, a luxury mansion back home in Harbin.

Why not remove the MAP incentive? Then let’s see how many still want to represent, sweat and bleed for Singapore.

By all means, reward athletes for important victories AFTER they win, but don’t hold up a billboard advertising our little red dot accepts sports mercenaries for hire. via SG Yahoo Sports