Customization of Posts Link In Blogger Dashboard

Customize your posts with permalinks

Customization of The Links In Blogger Dashboard: Now you no longer need to use Blogger In Draft to customize the URL of the posting to your blog. This feature was released directly into the normal Blogger dashboard. So when creating the title of your post you can configure the link, in order to ensure better indexing in search engines.

As announced by Blogger Buzz, this is another setting that will improve the positioning of your blog in search engines.

If you prefer to use a custom permalink, you can do so via the “Permalink” option in the Post Settings box.

Customize your posts with permalinks

To create your own URL for a specific post, simply select “Custom URL”, and enter your new URL in the field below. If you wrote the post in June of 2012, your new URL will look like this:


As stated in the Blogger Buzz, you have more control over the URLs of your blog, allowing your readers have more information about your post when you view it in the search results.

If you choose the link that already exists, Blogger will try to find one that’s available.

In the URL you can only use the characters: az, AZ, 0-1. However, the only special characters are available for use underscore, dash, period. These are the ones released today.