Call of Duty Online Free 2 Play In China


Call of Duty Online Free 2 Play (F2P) In China  Announced: Video games ‘free to play’, free in principle but as ways to monetize advertising or microtransactions, more and more popular. Work particularly well in Asia, whether ‘shooters’ or MMORPG.

For this reason, Activision has joined Tencent in China to launch a supply of Call of Duty Call Online, which is free and try to make revenue from ads and purchases of small items.

So far, little is known about the title, besides incorporating some famous game modes in multiplayer Call of Duty franchise.

It is not yet announced whether this title will come out of China, as in Western Model ‘free to play’ is not so entrenched. However, considering that Call of Duty is the most successful franchise that has online on consoles, would not be unreasonable.

Coinciding with the announcement, Activision and Tencent have posted a trailer where you can see the first footage of Call of Duty Online.