Two Hackers Admited in Attacks LulzSec


Two hackers Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis admit to having participated in attacks LulzSec: Two young British LulzSec linked to have been convicted of two conspiracy charges related to attacks on various online services companies like Sony and Nintendo.

The denial of service attacks (DDoS, its acronym in English) have become very popular mechanism among communities of hackers. It is used to saturate certain services until they fell, so they act as protests.

These attacks have been used against websites for many companies and institutions, the Ministry of Culture to the General Society of Authors and Publishers, via Visa or Sony. The reasons have varied, as protest against laws, condemning the persecution of Wikileaks or bring out security bugs.

Ryan Cleary, 19, and Jake Davis, 18, are being tried in Britain for involvement in such attacks, as part of a group known as LulzSec. Both have been convicted of two counts of conspiracy after admitting his participation in DDoS attacks.

Cleary and Davis, among others, put into focus the websites of News International, Sony, Nintendo, Arizona State Police, 20th Century Fox, among others, as reported by CVG. Particularly notorious was the attack on Sony, which account data stolen and caused historic declines in the online service of the PlayStation.

In this sense, both young men have denied illegally obtain data from these services online, through LulzSec page, as well as The Pirate Bay or Pastebin.