Ariadne Artiles in The Style of Victoria Secret

Ariadne Artiles in The Style of Victoria Secret

Ariadne Artiles in The Style of Victoria’s Secret: Generally, any model would kill the current international scene to become one of the desired and sought angels of popular American lingerie brand so the Canarian model, after seeing a provocative snapshots on the account you own at Twitter, I would not be less.
Ariadne Artiles in The Style of Victoria SecretAriadne Artiles arguably merits would be doing to spread its wings for Victoria’s Secret.

If you look at the snapshots that appear on the popular microblogging network, the former wife of Fonsi Nieto poses in true style angels explosives.

The culprit is the underwear brand ‘Yamamay’, which has been chosen as the top image for your Christmas season.

Artiles nobody looks like the latest creations from the Italian for the holidays.

As can be seen in the image, high demand right now, poses for the purpose of ‘Yamamay‘ wearing a lingerie set of red and white stripes reminiscent of the classic candy canes and leather details white color that contrasts with the exotic and large holding pens.