Hackers Published 450,000 Yahoo User Passwords


Hackers Published 450,000 Yahoo Username and Passwords: Some 450,000 service users have been exposed Yahoo Voices  passwords and email addresses on the Internet this morning. The list was compiled and distributed by a group of hackers that have not been identified, in order to demonstrate the poor security of Yahoo!.

The document is hosted on a ‘hosting’ so that access by individuals is difficult. However, it is an alarm for the thousands of users today are forced to change their email data.

It seems that hackers are going to do an unlawful use of personal data, or so say in a message at the end of the document: “We hope the parties responsible for managing the security of this subdomain take this as a wake-up call, not as a threat, “according to Mashable. However, since the list was published on the Web Yahoo! users can be compromised if not change your password.

According to reports from those responsible for the attack: “There have been many security holes exploited web servers owned by Yahoo! that have caused far greater damage that disclosure“. On this statement does not produce new data that reveal other security flaws in the company.

Yahoo! has failed so far to make statements on this security flaw. The company is among the top three companies-mail, together Google (Gmail) and Microsoft (Hotmail), with hundreds of millions of users worldwide.