Shakira And Pique The New Parents Are Irresponsible

Shakira And Pique The New Parents Are Irresponsible

Shakira And Pique The New Parents Are IrresponsibleShakira And PiqueI Parents Branded Irresponsible: The famous new parents, Shakira and Pique have earned criticism.

A photo uploaded by a stranger to the social network Twitter has jumped all alarms.

As we reported on 11 February, Shakira took little Milan at the Camp Nou playing partner.

But we do not know if it was the rush, or simply irresponsible who left the stadium without taking your child in the seat regulations.

The photograph Chance advanced in a few days, is clearly seen as the singer is driving his own car and footballer who will co-pilot, takes the child in a baby carrier backpack.

A real recklessness that has drawn criticism from many associations, including the Association of Spinal Cord Injury Study has crossed to the pair of “irresponsible as parents and public figures”.