Advertising Inserted Skype VoIP Calls Free


Advertising Inserted Skype VoIP Calls Free: Skype has confirmed via its official blog that inserted advertising free voice calls between users of Skype for Windows. The company has said that it is a new business opportunity and has ruled out going to influence the quality of calls.

VoIP services have become popular at a rapid pace in recent years. Skype certainly is one that has managed to grow. The service has been established, and its large volume of users and potential Microsoft encouraged to opt for purchase. Months after the operation, Skype looks for ways to improve profitability, and seems to have decided by advertising.

Currently, users can use Skype on a free, no obligation to pay. Since there is no fee, Skype has decided to implement advertising on voice calls to get economic benefits. The company explained in its official blog that will begin to place ads on the screen that appears when free voice calls.

This new advertising system will apply only for the time to voice conversations than payment in Windows, discarding other systems. Explained that Skype has 55 markets in which we begin to implement advertising. The company has signed agreement with local advertisers and present ads based on the location of consumers.

Since Skype stressed that this new step for the service does not affect the normal operation of the calls. In this way, Skype has promised that the insertion of advertising will lower the quality of the connection or service. Visit Skype Blog for More Updates