Google Apps Gets the ISO 27001 Certificate: Google Apps for Business has received ISO 27001 certification, one of the most recognized safety standards. Compliance has been certified by Ernst & Young Certify Point and ISO organization accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council Member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
At the onset of cloud computing, security concerns usually occupied first place among fears when considering a shift to cloud applications. “Today, however, safety is a major reason why companies” decide to jump, highlighted the Google Enterprise safety director, Eran Feigenbaum.
“The reason behind this change in mentality,” he thought the manager, is that companies “are beginning to realize that a company like Google can invest in security on a scale that many are not able to reach lack of resources. ” This investment is reflected in the creation of an infrastructure and a range of services 2con a strong level of data security. ”
Compliance with ISO standards by Google have been certified by Ernst & Young Certify Point and ISO certification body accredited by the Dutch Accreditation Council Member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Certificates issued by Ernst & Young Certify Point certificates are recognized as valid in all member countries of the IAF.
“ISO 27001 is one of the largest independent safety standards internationally recognized and we are very proud” to have achieved this certification for our systems, technology, processes and data centers that use Google Apps for Business, held Feigenbaum.
This new certification, along with the existing SSAE 16/ISAE 3402 and FISMA Certified Google Apps for Government, Google helps to assure its customers that it is “committed to the continued development and maintenance of its System Management Information Security (ISMS). “
This is the management’s favorite – “Information security is all about IT, isn’t it?” Well, not really – the most important aspects of information security include not only IT measures, but also organizational issues and human resource management, which are usually out of reach of IT department.
It is a good news for Google’s fans,as me!
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