Kim Kardashian: The objective is well known: Kim Kardashian wants to lose weight, 5kg more specifically, and to get the girlfriend of Kanye West is undergoing a complete exercise program that now we have known.
The key to winning the battle against the scale has revealed Tracy Anderson, the professional in this fitness and personal trainer Kim.
It has done so through the website U.S. Weekly, which means spoke exclusively confessing techniques which still has the most famous of the Kardashian sisters.
Anyone who has been Madonna’s personal trainer, Jennifer Lopez and Courteney Cox has moved towards the “case” of Kim Kardashian and revealed that to achieve the objective, the celebrity works six days a week for two hours a day in conducting a complete exercise routine that includes aerobic and dance.
But remember that Kim Kardashian is a great entrepreneur who must travel around the world to present their various products and realities, so that it be at home and not going to keep a routine with her.
So how is able to follow your training? Very simple: “Every time you go away on a trip, Kim will travel with a personal trainer,” Anderson declared.
As we help to be rich and famous, and much, to get the perfect figure. When Kim reached this great guy infarction with every day dreaming?
We are sure that once you get will not hesitate to post a sexy picture to your Twitter profile.