Google Twitter and Facebook Join Forces to End Spam


Google Twitter and Facebook Join Forces to End Spam: Facebook, Twitter, Google, AOL and IAB have been allied with the objective to end the spam and malicious ads. This is an initiative to protect users from being scammed and get more confidence in online advertising.

Confidence by the user to purchase a product through the Internet has always been very low. This is due to the proliferation of spam and malicious ads. This jeopardizes the advertising infrastructure that supports Web sites. It is therefore important that large Internet companies fight these scams.

To end the problem, has founded the so-called Ad Integrity Alliance, which has been created by the nonprofit organization StopBadware, which fights against malware. The aim will be to mitigate the bad ads by developing best practices and policy recommendations for websites, service providers and software developers.

As stated by the organization’s executive director Maxim Weinstein, “no one can deal with Internet-scale threats on their own, so we are bringing together the industry leading organizations to address the problem together.”

The components of the association founders were the giants of the Internet and popular social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, AOL and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). These companies will battle for the integrity of advertising by providing a platform for exchange of information about bad actors and sharing relevant trends with policy makers and agencies responsible for compliance.

The director of global public policy at Google, Eric Davis said that the Ad Integrity Alliance “will serve as a forum for these companies to” work together to protect users from bad ads and strengthen confidence in the ecosystem advertising. “This is important, he said, because when the user feels cheated” jeopardizes the trust of the Web “.