‘Netizens’ Digging Deeper In Disrepute Hyomin T-ara in Past


‘Netizens’ Digging Deeper In Disrepute Hyomin T-ara in Past: Netizens keep digging for the past T-ara and this time Netizens discover interesting things about Hyomin.
'Netizens' Digging Deeper In Disrepute Hyomin T-ara in Past
Hyomin apparently involved with social circles while he sat dibangku Junior / Senior High School, the group called ‘iljins’, or a group of criminals from the school.

Name, ID, and e-mails found on board Hyomin iljin communities where the group will basically get together and do a party, drinks, etc.

Activities they perform will usually begin with a sexy dance competition, and the students also have to touch and kiss each other as a competition, and finally ‘machine xxx’, where students will dance naked. Finally, girls will be auctioned and met an older man, which they do will get cash prizes or a packet of cigarettes.

The event made it to the news at the moment, in which several students were interviewed. They said, “The incident occurred during the summer or winter holidays, and usually for instil to know each other they usually do a sexy dance, but to qualify, they must dance naked. there will be a reward of two packs of cigarettes, there are some girls who would even pretend to do with male students ”

Do Hyomin involved in all this?

This event released a list of the names of the students, and the name Hyomin and picture themselves registered.

Netizens go further and dig into the old place fancafe Hyomin profile sign up and find some posts made by him. To further ensure that it was him, they tried to send a message to see if the email is sent to him.

E-mail message addressed to b89530@hanmail.net, ID is the same with Twitter today.