Is Apple Maps Faster Than Google Maps?

Is Apple Maps Faster Than Google Maps

Is Apple Maps Faster Than Google Maps?: Since iPhone 5 launch, the service is the iPhone 5 gets a lot of criticism and blasphemy. But is there a positive side to the Apple Maps?
Is Apple Maps Faster Than Google MapsIn fact Apple Maps has its own advantages which are not owned by Google Maps. It is based on research conducted data specialist group, Onavo. They try to prove any superiority claims Apple Maps faster and more efficient in terms of data. The result Apple Maps is more efficient than Google Maps in terms of the amount of data required. The amount of data which leads to less load time faster.

Onavo compares the use of data on the Apple Maps and Google Maps in two modes of use, standard map view and satellites view. In the standard map view mode, the Apple Maps apparently superior in terms of data usage than Google Maps. To load a page, Apple Map requires only 271 KB, compared with Google Maps which requires 1.3 MB to load one page map.

Using less data, this seems to be the result of the use of vector graphics on the Apple Maps. Unlike Google Maps downloading the image slices every time zoom, vector graphics of Apple Maps will change dynamically. The result Apple Maps only need to download less data than Google maps.

In satellite view, Apple maps also use less data. Apple Maps, according to BGR information (02/10), requires only 428 KB of data whereas Google Maps requires 930 Kb.

The Advantage Apple Maps. Despite its myriad distractions and error, it turns out Apple Maps saving potential of its own.

But to correct the weaknesses of Apple Maps seems Apple should try harder. The reason, Google is currently leading in terms of maps app still employs 7,000 people specifically to develop Google Maps.