Maui Phoenix Flight Diverted To Honolulu


Maui-Phoenix US Airways Flight Diverted To Honolulu: HONOLULU – According to AP The US Airways flight from Maui-Phoenix diverted to Honolulu after when the crew members noticed a problem with one of the plane’s pressurization and air conditioning kits.

Todd Lehmacher Airline spokesman said that the red-eye flight was less than the halfway to Phoenix when crew decided to be cautious and turn the plane around. It landed in Honolulu early Tuesday without incident. Nobody was hurt.

Todd Lehmacher said that the Boeing 757 had two kits, and one was malfunctioning.

He also  added that about half the plane’s 166 passengers will depart Tuesday night, while the other half were rebooked on other airlines.

The fortunate thing is that, everyone is safe.