Steve Jobs MacBook Pro Edition Auctioned USD 100 Million

Steve Jobs MacBook Pro Edition Auctioned USD 100 Million

Steve Jobs MacBook Pro Edition Auctioned USD 100 Million: Yesterday (05/10) is less than one year the death of one of Apple innovator Steve Jobs. To dedicate his services, auctioning Apple MacBook Pro Steve Jobs Edition.
Steve Jobs MacBook Pro Edition Auctioned USD 100 MillionIndeed, in terms of specifications might still be equal to that of the MacBook Pro in general, but there is one small thing that makes this device special is the Apple logo on the front unlike the Apple logo in general.

A silhouette Steve Jobs will be posted to the right of the Apple logo. In general, only the Apple logo featuring an illustration of a bitten apple slightly to his right, well in this special edition of the bite hole will resemble the figure of Steve Jobs. The device is classified as limited editions or limited production.

Actually, the picture is not created by Apple itself but rather the creation of an artist from Hong Kong named Jonathan Mak. According to an alert from Cnet (05/10), MacBook Pro Edition Steve Jobs was auctioned at and money from the auction will be donated to a charity called Get It Done, and to help the amateur developers to create new apps for iOS in Sellanapp.

The auction process will take place over two days. Initial offering is at least 9.500 EURO or USD 12.405 or approximately USD 119,054,428 (USD 1 = Rp 9.597). Few notice that the MacBook Pro is equipped with a processor Intel Core Quad-Core 17-2.7 GHz, 16GB RAM, 768GB HDD. Generally, these devices are sold at a price of USD 3.749.